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Chef and Do It Best team up to help earthquake victims in Puerto Rico


Two years ago Chef Minute Meals became an Approved Vendor with the #DoItBest Corp. The well-known chain of Hardware Stores has over 3,800 Member-Owned Stores in 50-countries. Known as the Local Neighborhood Hardware Store several locations have become the “Go To” place for emergency preparedness.

During the recent spate of earthquakes in Puerto Rico, Chef Minute Meals was contacted to deliver over 500 of our 72-Hour Emergency Shelf-Stable Meal Kits to a #DoItBest store in Arecibo. Since late December 2019 the island has experienced an incredible 2,000 earthquakes. Granted a lot of those events were only measured by very sensitive equipment that monitors events for USGS. None the less, there have been several strong quakes that have rendered roads impassable, structures unusable and sadly lives have been lost.

At Chef Minute Meals we think that personal preparedness should be a daily goal. At #DoItBest Stores they take preparedness seriously. Why not take some time to visit your local Do-It-Best Store and support a store that knows your neighborhood.



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